Worst Day Ever
6 a.m.
Dog throws up.
I jump out of bed in a frenzy.
He needs a midnight snack now, I guess.
Got hit.
Let’s see if they’re okay —
they’re gone.
Car : totaled.
Open fridge.
Kimchi drops everywhere —
I was going to save the lid food.
I look back;
he’s scooped it all up.
The good touching the bad.
6% battery, no car charger.
He says, “Well, charge your phone at a friend’s.”
I find a charger in the car —
on, off, on, off.
Dog chewed the wire.
Deep breaths.
Dad calls.
Almost got arrested.
Something about a gun?
Phone died (alongside a piece of my soul)
Fed the dogs.
Cooked dinner.
Laying in bed, planning tomorrow:
Hike. Chicken defrosting in the fridge.
Sunscreen. Dogs.
I hope it doesn’t rain.
12 a.m.
Immediate flooding of the gutters.