you are walking around the city, when suddenly you see a familiar face. turns out, they’re someone else. in that fleeting, split second, there was a small hint of sadness in the recognition of change. but then you laugh to yourself, Wait.. why would they be here? i’m 714 miles away from somewhere i called home. home is where i lived for 22 years — what was once my whole life; a presumed permanence. but this new chapter is filled with so many new faces. i can hardly be sad to no longer see the familiar ones, as they have quickly become the unfamiliar, and a new familiarity is born. this is my home now. i’m happy.
you can do so many good things and one bad thing and everyone focuses and remembers the bad. and you’re not bad. you made a mistake, people make mistakes, and that’s okay! you do so much more good and it doesn’t get acknowledgment because it’s the baseline, the standard. and things people don’t see. everyone is on their own timeline and only see glimpses of yours. but the good things are amazing. and you should be proud.